Showing posts with label Sadness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sadness. Show all posts



A lady weeps at a dark window.
Must we say what it is? Can’t we simply say
a personal matter? It’s early summer;
next door the Lights are practicing klezmer music.
A good night: the clarinet is in tune.

As for the lady--she’s going to wait forever;
there’s no point in watching longer.
After awhile, the streetlight goes out.

But is waiting forever
always the answer? Nothing
is always the answer; the answer
depends on the story.

Such a mistake to want
clarity above all things. What’s
a single night, especially
one like this, now so close to ending?
On the other side, there could be anything,
all the joy in the world, the stars fading,
the streetlight becoming a bus stop.


Breakfast - Jacques Prévert (translation by Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

He put the coffee
In the cup
He put the milk
In the cup of coffee
He put the sugar
In the café au lait
With the coffee spoon
He stirred
He drank the café au lait
And he set down the cup
Without a word to me
He lit
A cigarette
He made smoke-rings
With the smoke
He put the ashes
In the ash-tray
Without a word to me
Without a look at me
He got up
He put
His hat upon his head
He put his raincoat on
Because it was raining
And he left
In the rain
Without a word
Without a look at me
And I       I took
My head in my hand
And I cried.


Remember How Sad That Was When - Paul Guest

I missed sadness because I no longer missed you,
how emotionally counterintuitive it was
as my citizenship in the nation I made of you
gradually lapsed. I woke some other
place with lakes and blue skies and rush hours
and strangers I worried about. But no you.
No ages of you. No your name three times
when I walked somewhere or lay down at night
to bargain with sleep. No you
falling from my mouth everywhere I went.
No you anywhere to be seen.
A secret to keep. And mostly I did,
even beside other women who asked
with the privilege of their bodies
if you had ever existed and what did you do
and did you have a name I’d share
and had you been good to me
but I never gave you up. I left the last of you
to be lost in the fog inside me.
Napping in bomb craters, haggling
over debts I couldn’t deny were mine,
memorizing every month’s horoscope.
It seemed then the days
you had left me stained in sadness
were like that. Good apples on back order from God
and the steaks full of blood
you taught me to love, rationed.
At least I told myself this,
thinking of all the never you were.
But there were limits and lengths
and limits again. There were
songs inside the fog inside the world.


She Dotes - Edward Thomas

She dotes on what the wild birds say
Or hint or mock at, night and day, --
Thrush, blackbird, all that sing in May,
     And songless plover,
Hawk, heron, owl, and woodpecker.
They never say a word to her
     About her lover.

She laughs at them for childishness,
She cries at them for carelessness
Who see her going loverless
     Yet sing and chatter
Just as when he was not a ghost,
Nor ever ask her what she has lost
     Or what is the matter.

Yet she has fancied blackbirds hide
A secret, and that thrushes chide
Because she thinks death can divide
     Her from her lover:
And she has slept, trying to translate
The word the cuckoo cries to his mate
     Over and over.


Sadness - Stephen Dunn

It was everywhere, in the streets and houses,
    on farms and now in the air itself.
It had come from history and we were history
    so it had come from us.
I told my artist friends who courted it
    not to suffer
on purpose, not to fall in love
    with sadness
because it would naturally be theirs
    without assistance,
I had sad stories of my own,
    but they made me quiet
the way my parents’ failures once did,
    nobody’s business
but our own, and, besides, what was left to say
    these days
when the unspeakable was out there being spoken,
    exhausting all sympathy?
Yet, feeling it, how difficult to keep
    the face’s curtains
closed - she left, he left, they died -
    the heart rising
into the mouth and eyes, everything so basic,
    so unhistorical
at such times. And then, too, the woes
    of others would get in,
but mostly I was inured and out
    to make a decent buck
or in pursuit of some slippery pleasure
    that was sadness disguised.
I found it, it found me, oh
    my artist friends
give it up, just mix your paints,
the strokes unmistakably will be yours.