
""It was wrong to do this," said the angel." - Stephen Crane

“It was wrong to do this,” said the angel.
“You should live like a flower,
Holding malice like a puppy,
Waging war like a lambkin.”

“Not so,” quoth the man
Who had no fear of spirits;
“It is only wrong for angels
Who can live like the flowers,
Holding malice like the puppies,
Waging war like the lambkins.”


Abracadabra Acudubillah - Warsan Shire

Everyday since that bad
thing happened, I've been practicing
                   a spell:

how to disappear
from yourself,
within yourself.

I've noticed
each time I leave,
something in me keeps

Something in me turns
its back on me—

someone else reflected in the mirror,
someone else answering
to my name.


"My mind and I had a meeting, and we came to the conclusion that you're going to let us down." - Henry Rollins

My mind and I had a meeting, and we came to the conclusion that
you're going to let us down. We are here every minute of the day
getting ready for the let down. So when you push me away, I'll just
say ok, because we came to that conclusion a while ago. Like I said,
we were ready for the let down. If you're ever walking down the
way and you see me on the side of the road lying broken and scat-
tered, you keep walking right on by.

"Her eyes" - Henry Rollins

Her eyes
Her touch
Her voice
Takes my breath away
She's nice enough
To give it back
Thanks friend
I needed that

If no one ever marries me - Laurence Alma-Tadema

If no one ever marries me,—
And I don't see why they should,
For nurse says I'm not pretty,
And I'm seldom very good—

If no one ever marries me
I shan't mind very much;
I shall buy a squirrel in a cage,
And a little rabbit-hutch:

I shall have a cottage near a wood,
And a pony all my own,
And a little lamb quite clean and tame,
That I can take to town:

And when I'm getting really old,—
At twenty-eight or nine—
I shall buy a little orphan-girl
And bring her up as mine.


"I've got no romance left in me." - Henry Rollins

I've got no romance left in me. I know I once had it. I have no need
for love. You might have something to say about that, you might
have a few names to call me. I'm not that desperate anymore. That's
not to say that I've slacked off in the desperation department alto-
gether, far from it. I have less time and less things in my mind to
convince me of the need to support and perpetuate a lie.

Some will tell you that they need love to live. Well shit, people will
tell you a lot of stuff, like how you owe a stranger your life to
uphold the lie he's selling this week. Weakness is painless. Like
sliding down a razor so sharp you wouldn't think to look down on
the floor and see all the blood. The other night I looked down at her
and almost forgot her name. It's just flesh. Put your tears in an enve-
lope and send them to Hitler. They mean as much to his dead ass as
they do to me.